so yeah finally going to leave raipur. about ten days left. its like 45 degrees in the noon and rains nicely in the night. sort of nice. today i went to the raipur high court. i dint collect my first and second sem mark sheets. yeah now am in 8th. cant find it. so had to get a notary and get affidavit or what ever. went early by mistake. i like the place. and this lawyer who did it for me, once we told him we are students he slashed the the charge by 50% and told us that he will collect more from setji. i felt exponentially happy. my hate for set ji or rather the SKs is well known. and the typist, he came fully loaded as in drunk. but cleaned his place nicely, organised his stuff very formally and typed away . in hindhi. there was this old typist who should be minimum 75. he has a typewriter from 1970. bloody old. and i watched set his stall up. such organisation. remember we once used to have pencil boxes and all..during school time. he had one like that pencil scale and all. diligence. and suddenly many typists appeared out of thin air. the sound. and the heat. 48 degrees. endless rows of notaries and typists and no fan or any other cooling device. and i like lawyers. cool people. bloody talented. the banglore nls girls, sama figures. even the raipur ones are good but we hardly know them. seen them a bit thats all.
and good news. parents sanctioned money for a new dslr. going to get nikon d5000. yay. hopefully i get it before i start my summer trip. parents have been complaining. not been in my house for more than 50 hours for nearly a year now. so the plan is go blore on 15th for lamb of god concert. then go to munnar with parents and my bro. i guess since he started college amma is feeling lonelier than before. but she is happy we both got into nit. but none of us actually care. and then goa with room mates. and i think shrikanth might come down. this small problem with tickets already booked it will be difficult to show him around. but somehow i will find time. it will be nice to get drunk together in pondi chunnambar island together.
and the trip. totally 47 places i have decided to visit. all in tamil nadu. most of them little known places. but i want to know my state before i start job. btw bloody company. i still dont know joining date or place.incompetent idiots.(saya take note) so yeah roam tn alone. if anyone joins equally good. then go kerala. have to go mumbai before trip starts to get camera.
yesterday was nice. mood out after exam. so ekta and then smoke. last three days been smoking alone. usually i dont. again night went for some juice. siva got serious and tension coz well we were irritating him and pulling his leg. girl matters. then we sat on the bands of this huge tank bund that is also our street end. smoking away reflecting stuff, still water that reflected all the newly erected street lights around. the snake swimming away nicely on a fine summer night. talking.and started clicking
and am exited about the blore trip. purple haze for sure. then lamb of god. wall of death. mosh pit. if you are not familiar with these terms see these videos. and dont tell me it looks stupid or anything like that. when you are in the mood and the right music and atmosphere you can feel murderous. and its not something you can explain. unless you have felt it too.

ps-and we took this house for 10 guys. tonight there are 18 sleeping in this house
pss-i slept from noon to about 9. dinner. now i sleep again. i can always sleep
Nikon d5000!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeayyyyyy!! You are making me jealous!! I will get one soon...Hoping to see more pictures :-)
@saya take note nah ketu solunga nu.sure loads of pics.some pics i tokk when i went chennai last time-
@insignia..good good more pics
Did they give you any reference number? as in like a candidate ID or something? If so, comment it on my blog and I will find out.
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