
beethoven's cunt

angles deserve to die...serj is more of a genius than i ever thought he would be..

and Beethoven,well it seemed to have been (at times)composed for dramatic and maybe a bit cynical and depressed person.and i have sat and listened to whatever i cant find of Beethoven.but nothing has come close to fur elise. people say there are much better works of mr.b.. but nothing captivated me for the first time as fur elise did.when ever i get bored i ask my bro to play it.theres something divine about such simple composition.and my bro tried teaching me so that i wouldn't trouble him again.but somehow i cant play it(learnt coldplay easily).its like i blended in the taste of some exotic fruit so much that i forget to hold it.how lucky therese malfatti is.and why do wellington's victory and requiem(the other gentleman) captivate me a bit more?



Anonymous said...

Try Greensleeves, if you like simplicity in music. I absolutely love Greensleeves.

I agree re Beethoven's fur elise. i also love Tchaikovsky's composition for the Swan Lake finale.

If you like melancholic music, try Schubert, and if you LOVE unhappy music try Wagner :D it is full dramatic shit.

I read your blog because it is like being in Madras again. I miss home, and I even miss school a little. Good old PSBB.

Soin said...

thank you for all the reco..will try them..
and ironically i study some where else..but yes the feel of home and madras.and another psbb ex? bodhi take note..btw dont you blog?