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this is no where ,like say the better works of mine.but it is the one on which i spent more time than the others.i dont like post processing that much.tried with something in mind and as usual it ended up as something else.but the whole dance was so beautiful.its about lord krishna.the play was written by kalki krishnamurthi(famous tamizh fellow).
the original version went like this-krishna playing flute for people.people happy.but his wife is bludy not.some lady asks mrs.krishna why the long face girl?and mrs.krishna tells that her husband makes everyone else happy and forgets her.and so lord krishna comes and plays for his wife(otherwise dinner cut da sami)..play ends
and kalki's version goes so-kirshna plays.wife not happy.frnd asks mrs.krishna why the long face.mrs.krishna does the ranting(known as twitting these days).and lord krishna comes back(bloody food).but then mrs.krishna gets the flute and plays it.and does so beautifully.and for once krishna is at peace.something like the guy gives peace to others and his wife gives it to him.reflecting mr.kalki's very own life.
this thing was staged at park near my house as a part of this chennai sangamam that happens every pongal time.good variety food from various parts of tamizh nadu(yes we have different cuisines in our state,but no we dint invent pizza).good performances for guys like me who missed the december season(and the food ).tomorrow good fusion thing on cards.lets see..in about five mins i clicked 300 shots..memory over.epic fail.
and i again apologise for the bull shit i wrote in the name of my prv post.
Wow...this is really nice that there are plays like these.
Hope you are enjoying good food and the pictures are beautiful
Kalki Krishnamurti was not married to m.s
@insignia..yeah its gethu.daily enjoying..free
nice shots
thanks man..free
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