-ayirathil oruvan who is gunning for life
one more...
there is always one more.one more supplementary.one more sem.one more year.one more girl.i will wait for you dear beloved.till you are ready.i will love you till then.and later too.but just tell me you will be ready in my life time.even if thats a no i will love.i love you no matter what.for this bond is for life.
book #2
name-no onions nor garlic
author-srividhya natarajan
madras based story.to be precise madras university.first of all this is not a serious type of book.its a bit satirically funny.it takes a dig at the tamizh brahmin life style,caste divide and all that.now if you are not from chennai you wont understand parts of book.as in you wont know it brilliantly sarcastic.and satire.i how can we explain mayirpudungi and a paper called the bindhu,the dig at the column about hindhusim that comes in the hindu,and that column's authors life being made fun of.so if you dont know chennai this books not for you.
but if you know chennai,then you will enjoy this.its the expressions and observations that make this book a good read.the story is set in a short span of time.so the characters dont grow and all that.now ending is predictable and i was actually disappointed by it given the other parts of the book was good.this is written for a light funny read.with a bit of madrasm thrown in.the mylapore brahmins and their world.and its not shitty take like 2 states.this is so good that you as a mylapore brahmin can appreciate it.and the author being one.a good ending would have made this a much better book.for the chennai clan-read it. long time since i got a madras story that was warm to read.forgive the lady for the ending.the line after the ending was good.
name-madras on rainy days
author -samina ali(debut)
i got this book coz it was on landmark sale.i thought 49 rupee discount.turned out the book was 49. flipkart price is inr 566.
anyways its about a muslin girl.grows in america.in a rigid system.comes back to marry from the hyd old city.anyways book is worth a read.its not brilliant and all.but decent.i dont know indian author debut level.but i have a feeling it is met by samina ali.
the nice things about the book-cover,plot line ,decent language(some places were like really promising), complex multi layered character,doesnt over do feminism when it pops up.and no ones written about the hyd old city muslim set up.the ending(last 40 pages are the best part of the book).and good descriptive writing
mokkai things about the book-the main lady-its confusing.either the character is confused.or she confuses me with her decision making.tries to include everything muslim forbade.if people dont like describing everything then they might get bored of this book.and starting with a strong feminist tone,there are parts where the lady begs for sex! like i said either character is confused or i am. and the old city muslims portrayed here are totally blind and stupid.i mean a lady bleeds with abortion and they take her to the alim(even if story is set in 1970-1980,its stupid).like i said tries to show everything muslim forbade and tries to chew more than whats needed.and at places too dramatic.
overall decent.not bad.of course given the plot line could have been much better had it been consistent.but read once.fascinating system.parts of it are really good.
travelling the kokata mumbai route for the next three months??between nagpur and raipur a beggar comes to sing..and he songs metallica..beautifully..you would feel like dropping 100 rupee note in his ganjira there itself..look out.
best trip to chennai since i came out of it.sadly none of my friends share my area of interests and taste.so i never get to do what i usually want.but i guess finally i have outgrown them.but this time i did it all.alone. i clicked gigs and gigs of pictures.i covered the chennai sangamam festival daily.(sangamam is getting a bit stale.they need to work out something new)..then i went around mount road in the dead of the night and clicked old buildings.(that would be a whole post later..)..then chitrakulam theppam(temple float festival)..then the mylapore fetival..again clicked a lot..enjoyed most of the performances..best part was the future mamis out in full force.when i saw one hyper chick type of girl(schoolmate) there, i had to make effort not to let my jaw drop.she looked more stunning in this dress.waatha..
and then i went for zakir hussain concert.bliss.last min ticket.went alone again.that was saturday evening.then i went to landmark and got some books-on mylapore and chennai architecture heritage history and all..two on that.. one on veda and the present hindu system..fascinating all the three were..then night fully i roamed for more old buildings..then morning four i ended up in santhome cathedral..and i met my 6th standard english teacher.she looked so beautiful in school.she still does.everyone used to say she looked like a doll.good teacher too.has beautiful twin girls.pavam those kutties were in the church at five.making a racket.anyways she helped me get permission to shoot pics..still that enthu and all that about her..
then went to mylapore temple.as a part of mylapore festival (i know decently about the place i live.i hope to write another day)some tour was arranged of the temple.a good fellow call pradeep did it.most of the information he provided i already knew.but a few architectural stuff he explained well.a hour well spent.and unsurprisingly i was the youngest there.bah.i wish for some company of my age who can come for zakir hussain concert,heritage and photo walks..theatre dance and rock concert..bloody i wish somebody would discuss how ls violin bit was almost like dimmu borgir's serpentine song starting..anyways after that i went to rk mut after nearly a year.as a kid i went there every sunday.but after 9th standard stopped.what peace that place holds.
another nice thing was we played football at ma house.its been long.its strange that am so bad at football and yet playing it gives me so much pleasure.anyways thrice we played.saarang was boring from what i was told.and my appa let slip that my card has a credit limit of 10k.avil thaan.. poindhi..first got sherlock holmes ticket(nice movie.gethu soundtrack.hans some level)..confirmed that it works i went and got zakir hussain concert ticket,a black guitar(itching to paint it.but will do so only when i can play ballad of baconsfield miners), a ganjira(carnatic instrument.google if you dont know.and monitor lizard is endangered,so getting a ganjira was tough.finally located a fellow who had got it long back but hadnt used it.service and its good now.),the books i mentioned before, altec lansing speckers for my pod..and finally dad gave his slr to me.needed repairs so thats another 5k gone.then creative ear plugs for my pod.enough for now.
so appa saw yesterday on what i had spent and has informed me that next three months allowance is gone.so with my ganjira i am going to beg on the trains.btw haiti..omg what disaster..what did people do to earn that wrath?? so give what you can.to make it easy i will wire my account number.donate and i will pass it on to them.eventually.
btw a few clicks from this time are here.there are 100s more.but too lazy to edit and upload.all in due time.now come on you gunners..down the villa..
oh the guilt
smell.what do you like to smell? fresh coffee beans? filter kaapi? chocolate?strawberry? rathna cafe sambhar? dead frog?
or maybe freshly mowed grass?? manvaasanai?(first drop of rain on a dry dusty sand land..)..old books?? new book?? maybe books are the only thing that smell good-old or new..
as a kid i used to read decently.even before the potter movie and mania came to be,i was reading them.tinkle,champak and a bit of rd were regular reads.and every amar chitra katha that came out.and can i nominate uncle pai for nobel prize for lit..anyways i progressed to archer,sheldon and all during 9th , 10th stndrd and all.better authors followed.and then i made a mistake maybe.i asked my appa for a book suggestion.for the next half year i sat with that book,dint understand it and lost interest with reading.then i started too many movies.metal.
and this time i was coming home for pongal. the raipur temperature being 8 degree(thats like -2343432 when youre from chennai)..i get up 20 mins before train departure time.going in a bike at 40 kmph speed felt like ice diving.numb.train late by 5 hours.problem is i had my connecting train in 5 hours.thankfully that train to chennai was late by justu 13 hours.so as it has become the norm these days i was struck in nagpur yet again.for about six hours.thankfully room mate for company.we hit the usual civil lines,haldirams chat ,more food.with nothing else to do we decided to go crossword for dvds.the next three hours were pleasureably spent browsing book.ah the smell.new books.the whole joy came back.
damn i have wasted the last four years without proper reading.i have never read all this high level books.that try to tell you how to live.philosophy.or of stories that try to tell you something all the time.i like simple stories.which are just told.so yesterday i went to spencers and without eating at all(athisayam) i went landmark and browsed through. decided i going to try out new indian writers.debut ones.and i picked up "madras on rainy days" by samina ali.then one more . searched for chennai based stories.dint get that many.there was this one-no onion,no garlic.but i dint have enough money.and somehow the spencers landmark doesnt have enough books.so today i went to the nugambakkam exclusive one.nice four hours.bah i have missed all this for four years.
one more book-cloud nine minus one,is also added on my shortlist.i will buy them both tomorrow .hopefully.and i am confused by this whole feminism thing.so i am looking for such books.by female authors.indian ones.in my opinion only a male author can fashion a really strong female character.
and tanja tzarvosk.whatey talent. and too many people seem to be going gaga over the jaipur festival.let me see what happens.i guess those festivals are not just meant for people like me.so i want to attend it.hopefully next year.could have gone this year.but financial crunch.and susheela raman is performing there it seems.i like her a lot.hopefully next year i get to attend. it would like a nude pauper going to the city of gold.just to see how much gold those people actually have.
and a small suggestion-just dont start indian philosophical books during your 11th.and dont try to learn sanskrit just before your boards so that you could understand the verses in the book.you will never understand the book.and you will flunk your 12th.
ps-hate e books.dont care about trees or abhishak bachan shaped ents.i love paperbacks.lying down and reading-thani sugam..
beethoven's cunt
angles deserve to die...serj is more of a genius than i ever thought he would be..
and Beethoven,well it seemed to have been (at times)composed for dramatic and maybe a bit cynical and depressed person.and i have sat and listened to whatever i cant find of Beethoven.but nothing has come close to fur elise. people say there are much better works of mr.b.. but nothing captivated me for the first time as fur elise did.when ever i get bored i ask my bro to play it.theres something divine about such simple composition.and my bro tried teaching me so that i wouldn't trouble him again.but somehow i cant play it(learnt coldplay easily).its like i blended in the taste of some exotic fruit so much that i forget to hold it.how lucky therese malfatti is.and why do wellington's victory and requiem(the other gentleman) captivate me a bit more?
like a dog chasing cars
the street is wide
theres space for all
atleast thought so
a really dumb dog
and the day came upon
lakhs lakhs lakhs
half a lakh more
they were all there
the dogs all stood
waiting all the time
no bark nor woof
just shifting of feet
the fat spanish waiter
he came in a small car
meat for all there is
pay a grand dears
pay they did
question they dint
the meat was in pieces
300 to be exact
who barks loudest?
who barks the most?
who can interpret the bark?
you are through
300 did win
meat they got
the rest stood
waiting for another
other waiters did come
some fat and fair
some thin and dark
but come they did
and the stupid dog stood on
hoping there will enough
but twas a fools hope
for he couldnt bark
the waiters were all done
few lucky thousands
they went to promise land
strangely some came back
a sweeper came in a cycle
will you come along dog?
i cant bark said the dog
what will i do?
i thought i could bark
just because i couldnt run
but neither i can
so why do i come??
coz you cant do niether
your dumb,thats good
questions i like not
for am a thief
but work i will give
five days a week
six days off a year
good meat you get
the dog had tried
too many cars
he knew he can
do it no more
so shook his paw
happy he was
for he had caught
finally something
stupid stupid dog
he had never chased cycles
he had no other choice
what can he do?
he was thinking of meat
but he was a stupid dog
for he knew not
he will never have time to eat it
dear entrance exam organisers,please dont conduct these exams in a girls college.we guys need to piss.before the exam.its a ritual.we cant give up our manhood.fuck you feminists.
anyways fms entrance had 200 question.120 mins.add three or four really long comprehensions.that means i had to rush through.but as i read the second comprehension(about minds),instead of skimming i sat and read the whole thing.fascinating.i sat in that passage for about half hour.of course i dint finish the question paper.when i got back i asked my friends if they enjoy the passage too.they dint read it.but they answered all correctly.so they so.and i realised then.i was never going to do well in that management.am too slow,peaceful and placid.no ambition.i just knew i dint want this software engg life.and i blindly went for management.but that doesnt suit me too.i still dont know where my reckoning is.for now i will do the cognizant.if i do find something in the mean time good for me.else bad for cognizant.and to rip off ma fb status-
CAT=Rs.1500 XAT=Rs.2300 SNAP=Rs.3500 MDI=Rs.1000 FMS=Rs.1200 Sp.Jain=Rs.1200...Deciding not to MBA after applying for all Bschools...PRICELESS!!
a place full of people ,energy and noise.and you just plug in and listen to something that takes you somewhere else.this is one such piece.a million more i have found.and wait for it to load fully.
a child is concieved in the womb.the child grows.but the child can not breath.the mother breathes for it.and for nine months continuouslly,he hears the beating of the mothers heart.it is the first meeting with music and rythm.that is the first drum one encounters-osho

(click to enlarge)
this is no where ,like say the better works of mine.but it is the one on which i spent more time than the others.i dont like post processing that much.tried with something in mind and as usual it ended up as something else.but the whole dance was so beautiful.its about lord krishna.the play was written by kalki krishnamurthi(famous tamizh fellow).
the original version went like this-krishna playing flute for people.people happy.but his wife is bludy not.some lady asks mrs.krishna why the long face girl?and mrs.krishna tells that her husband makes everyone else happy and forgets her.and so lord krishna comes and plays for his wife(otherwise dinner cut da sami)..play ends
and kalki's version goes so-kirshna plays.wife not happy.frnd asks mrs.krishna why the long face.mrs.krishna does the ranting(known as twitting these days).and lord krishna comes back(bloody food).but then mrs.krishna gets the flute and plays it.and does so beautifully.and for once krishna is at peace.something like the guy gives peace to others and his wife gives it to him.reflecting mr.kalki's very own life.
this thing was staged at park near my house as a part of this chennai sangamam that happens every pongal time.good variety food from various parts of tamizh nadu(yes we have different cuisines in our state,but no we dint invent pizza).good performances for guys like me who missed the december season(and the food ).tomorrow good fusion thing on cards.lets see..in about five mins i clicked 300 shots..memory over.epic fail.
and i again apologise for the bull shit i wrote in the name of my prv post.
the saints are coming (pictures)
history has shown us that a small insignificant incident becomes significant about coz some great soul interpreted the world out of that small thing.the buddha has the bodhi tree.paulo went on a pointless trip.and so on.this is a story of one such incident.when a normal man learnt about humans and the world and has embraced the way of the monks and the babas, and is one his way to greatness.
our story begins in a small city which as of now is insignificant.it would later go onto become on of the important centres of pilgrimage.as a kid he was very sensitive.hardly spoke with anyone.after he finished eating he would get up,wash his hands and leave for the terrace.such peace in the terrace.he could see the world,the sea and the light house.his mother would wash his plate.for if he saw rice splattered on the floor he would vomit all the rice he had consumed.never waste.injustice.the world seemed simple and clean to him.for he went to places that were clean.
and then it happened.he had to live in a govt boys hostel.he went to eat the first day.rice skewn every where.he went and puked.the next day he went early to a clean mess.the person next to him had a mt.Everest on his plate.goltu.he requested him to pass some rice.he did pass the bowl.but before he put his sambhar rice laden hands into the rice bowl to add more rise.he went and puked again.it was before a month before he ate anything.typhoid followed.he was starting to learn the way of humans.he knew he dint know anything of humans.so he embarked on a journey.
he looked every where.he searched the land.but found no answer.an old lady with one eye told him the answer lie where land and water meet.and so he searched the beaches.
but then he had learnt how to walk the sea.
now he knew its the land where the answers lie.he looked high and low.no answer.three years over.
he was tired.he was really tired.he decided it was time to take some rest.and he had a dream.
in his dream there were beams of light.and he asked the question.and a single hand went up.
it said-"the answer i know not.but i do know hot to get to it".and it explained.
and so he boarded the train.a passenger.from mumbai.to chennai.32 hours.he stood with rest of the crowd.a decent looking fellow helped him get a seat.the compartment had it all.well to do middle class there coz of waiting list and a need to get home.the lower class who couldnt afford it.the fights.the smell.the lack of sanitation.the fellow who helped him got a seat made a deal-"each sleep for alternate hours.look after the luggage".deal struck.but he couldnt sleep when his term came.he was searching for the answer.
it had been twenty hours into the journey.and he was beginning to understand humans.at every station new people came in.the fight.the talk later.of life.of politics.of humans.and he was beginning to find the answer.peace was dawning upon him slowly.and he slept.out of turn.for twenty mins.he woke up to see his friend gone.and his brand new slippers gone.but the friend had left behind his battered rubber slipper as back up for him.now he knew what he had to learn.and that was a start.by the end of the 32 hour journey he had learnt what he had to.he had not slept other than that 2o mins.he had not had a single drop of water.no food.he had not got up from the seat.what twenty years of life couldnt teach him ,a 32 hour journey and 4 years of engineering had done the trick.he decided to adopt the name his followers had given him.
as he entered his place his mother called him-"your brother has too much hair.it covers his eyes too.advice him to cut it".right there he knew the look this new baba had to have.and thus to solve the problems of engineer's non technical problems and corporates many life problems a new baba is born-soinbaba.every baba needs a song.this baba has chosen-rime of ancient mariner by maiden.
the avatar
and a small sloka too is needed nah.-
give me some vodka,
give me some gin,
give some novacaine,
a sem of engineering once again
(to the tune of give me some sunshine from 3 idiots)
the lotus feet
note-all pics were taken by my room mates without my knowledge.and they have rechristened me too.am bloody bored.i have way too much time.so more pointless posts .daily.and fuck year booking.and am saving up to die my hair.flame red is the choice.like fredrick ljungberg.
and a tamizh lady at nagpur station without knowing am tamizh,says to her kid-eat it up kid.other wise i will handover you to the boochandi(pointing at me).kid still doesnt eat.i went near and said boo.kid ate.
what has been my sort of second home for the last month.nagpur station..
you cant control everyone-short story,paulo coelho translation
there was once a lady who had a big farm.she grew chillies on it.her brand of chillies were very famous and hence costly.everyone suspected she was doing something different.some hushes voices spoke of black magic.she was a queer lady.quiet.she kept to herself.she like her chocolate dark and bitter.she added a ton of sugar to her coffee,she liked it sweet.
the famine came.all seem to wither with a curse of an angry goddess.but her crops stood strong.the hushes of black magic became whispers.she harvested the chillies.they sold at unbelievable prices.the rich and wealthy brought it.and they used it and then spat it out.the chillies were all sweet.they took it to her and asked "what injustice is this?? the chillies are sweet.you cheated us.we want our money back".she gave their money back.she was hurt and angry.she vowed never to farm again.she died soon.since then never a single chilli had grown in that town.
-paulo coelho(naat,i wrote this pointless shit fcorz))
the famine came.all seem to wither with a curse of an angry goddess.but her crops stood strong.the hushes of black magic became whispers.she harvested the chillies.they sold at unbelievable prices.the rich and wealthy brought it.and they used it and then spat it out.the chillies were all sweet.they took it to her and asked "what injustice is this?? the chillies are sweet.you cheated us.we want our money back".she gave their money back.she was hurt and angry.she vowed never to farm again.she died soon.since then never a single chilli had grown in that town.
-paulo coelho(naat,i wrote this pointless shit fcorz))
t-i wrote this fcroz.just bored)
over the last three months i quit writing my 2k worded rants.of late only updates.coz i got confused.now its sort of all sorted.i fucked up my mba exams.that mean i will be working later this year.i cant put in words how much i want t avoid work for the next two years.the plan is to work for a year and write these entrances after due preparation and escape.thankfully my job has no bond(and no salary too) .so thats sort of settled.and i will soon start with my usual rants of the world.
the whole new year thing is pretty irritating.stupid text messages.some of us had dinner at a shit Chinese place,ice cream at the usual place where they tried to make us participate in new year celebrations in vain.they gave me a coffee mug.and then sleep over at friends house.i was either driving or sleeping for the new year eve.we tried seeing the movie-paranormal activity.i dozed for most of the movie.and the rest three days are fucked up.i was just generally grumpy on 1st for no reason.sort of slept off the day.
you know you do something really stupid month back and you realise it on the second day of the year-fucked up feeling.never in my life i have been so careless,stupid,unbelievably stupid.never ihave fucked up in such epic proportions-in terms of money or implications.let me just say i learnt my lesson.when i realised what i have done i was like fine ok.minutes later that angered me like anything.i cant think of one thing i take seriously.never been this pissed off and angry with myself.worst thing is i cant bring my self to tell my parents.i usually keep it clean with them.so its a bit tough to lie to them.makes me so angry.
so let me stop here.so no more personal updates(travelogues exception) until something dramatic comes to be.i have started reading almost a month load of posts.slowly will read all the posts.and yay.arsenal.cant bliv how brilliant we are right now.hope the goals keep coming.and its nice to have so many people back again to blogging after the hiatus.
ps-i was going to post on jan1st .but so many new year posts and resolution shit that it pissed me off and i logged off.imagine when i open the window to see the rest of them do a 2nd jan post.bah!
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